Women are the core pillar of the strengthening of the economy of a country. For a country to progress it is necessary that women should be empowered. In India, the condition of rural women is vulnerable, thus for their empowerment we have coordinate and coordinate many programmes.
Support in development of women entreprenuers
We focus to utilize SHG and JLG models and focus on activity based group approach. Rural women are encouraged to gain skills such as tailoring and stitiching, food items making, bamboo products making, poultry farming, fish farming etc and then they are provided financial assistance from banks so that they can start their own small enterprises and earn their own income and become financially independent and become successful women entreprenuers.
Support in Women Health & Hygiene
We have arranged many health camps in villages for rural women and they have guided and awared on several diseases related to women health. They were also distributed free medicines.
Menstural hygiene is of outmost importance. We have conducted programmes on menstural hygiene awareness in villages where representatives from various departments like mahila bal vikas, hospitals and police dept particpated and guided the rural women. We have also ditributed free sanitary napkins to young girls and rural women.
Education and Financial Independence
In today’s era, education is of outmost importance. Hence, we regulary conduct campaigns where we encourage rural parents to send their daughters to school and colleges. We also conduct night classes for rural women in villages who are not able to read or write.
We have also conducted digital financial literacy programmes in villages in coordination with district cooperative bank to make rural women financially independent.